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 As some of you know, I, like Nicole in The Alaska Series, escaped an abusive relationship to begin again.

I NEED YOU!   I am looking for people who have been through a physically, or mentally abusive relationship and survived for a book that will be compiled of our stories. I feel if we can give even one person the courage to leave and break free of the cycle of abuse, we will have succeeded.


If you or anyone you know would like to be a part of this project, please contact me at


Out of the Shadows will be used to give hope to people who are afraid to leave or have begun their journey out of the shadows and into the light. All the money will go to help provide awareness and service for victims of abuse.

Out of the Shadows

Have Tiffany speak

at your event.

Accepting donations to help offset the cost of editing, layout, cover design, promottion as well as providing the books for free to shelters and women in need. 

Accepting donations to help offset the cost of editing, layout, cover design, promottion as well as providing the books for free to shelters and women in need. 

Submissions can be:


*A chapter ~Your story (A paragraph -5 pages)

*Quotes from you on hope or overcoming obstacles

*Pictures, photography or drawings (black and white)

*Submissions can be from an adult or child’s point of view

*Interview questions



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